Clinics & Services
Nursing Services
The practice nurse/healthcare assistant can be seen by appointment. They carry out the following services:
- Health checks, including blood pressure, cervical smears, breast examination.
- Ear syringing.
- Immunisation for children and travellers.
- Dressings and removal of stitches.
- Taking blood and other samples to be sent to the hospital laboratory for analysis. You can also attend the hospital if this is easier please click on the link to book an appointment
- Chronic disease management such as diabetes and asthma.
- Smoking cessation advice.
Other Services
- Child health surveillance
- Contraceptive advice and treatment
- Minor surgery services
- The practice is a registered yellow fever centre
- Maternity medical services - The midwife attends Ante Natal Clinic every Thursday between 09:00 and 12:30 at the surgery and shares ante natal care with the doctors. She can offer help and advice during pregnancy and will look after mother and baby after confinement, to book an appointment please visit or scan the QR code below.